New EPA Requirement in 2025 for all LQGs & SQGs
Check out the new EPA requirements for 2025!

Beginning January 22, 2025, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requiring all Large and Small Quantity Generators (LQGs and SQGs) to register and maintain an account in RCRAInfo to meet the new regulatory changes made by the e-Manifest Third Final Rule.
This new EPA registration requirement ensures all small and large quantity hazardous waste generators can access e-Manifest to obtain their final signed manifest copies from the system.
For more instructions on how to register visit the e-Manifest User Registration webpage
For a list of LQGs and SQGs without a Site Manager or Certifier, please visit the e-Manifest Third Rule Compliance Check to download the list
For more information on EPA’s Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest System (e-Manifest) visit the e-Manifest webpage
Also beginning January 22, 2025, the EPA is requiring the use of a new 4-copy (four page) hazardous waste manifest (EPA Form 8700-22) and continuation sheet (EPA Form 8700-22A). EPA has changed the manifest forms, manifest instructions, and the hazardous waste manifest requirements corresponding to completion of the manifest forms for international shipments. Generators may continue to use the obsolete 5-copy (five page) manifest forms until December 01, 2025. Page 3 (“Designated Facility” Copy) has been removed from the 5-copy manifest, since generators will no longer receive a final signed paper copy mailed back to them. They must retrieve the completed manifest in their registered account in e-Manifest.
The new four-copy manifest form will be as follows:
Page 1: “Designated facility or U.S. exporter to the EPA's e-Manifest system” (top copy)
Page 2: “Designated facility to generator” (e.g. Polychlorinated Biphenyls “PCBs” shipments)
Page 3: “Transporter copy”
Page 4: “Generator's initial copy” (bottom copy)