Specialty Packaging
Nuclear Power Facilities are continuously maintaining and upgrading their overall material conditions. These activities invariably result in the need to package for shipment or store large, non-standard sized power plant components. Reactor heads, coolant pumps, drive mechanisms, and heat exchangers are a few examples of the kinds of removed or replaced components that will require a Specialty or Specification Package. WMG is an experienced turnkey service provider of Specialty and Specification Packages. Our engineering capabilities include design, fabrication and, where required, we provide licensing and regulatory interfacing. Components shipped or stored in WMG-supplied packages have included reactor pressure vessel heads, steam generators, control rod drives, and most recently an Auxiliary Decay Heat Exchanger.

Design, Fabrication, and Test
WMG designs, fabricates, tests, and delivers specialty radioactive material containers primarily for the commercial nuclear power industry. Packaging design always incorporates everything from shielding requirements to ensuring packaging can be shipped over the road or rails. All packages are fabricated in accordance with our 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Quality Assurance Program.

Specification Packages
At WMG, non-routine projects refer to unique scenarios such as large or rare components, unusual waste streams, or legacy waste where the desired data may not have been collected or retained. These projects typically require innovative solutions for characterization, shielding, and packaging.
We take great pride in providing services for non-routine projects, as they allow us to exercise our creativity and apply our expertise in radioactive waste management to unique and challenging scenarios.