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RADMAN™ Suite 9.5.2 Release


May 14, 2021

The newest release of RADMAN™ Suite is now available.

WMG is pleased to announce the release of RADMAN™ Suite 9.5.2. This is an update to the RADMAN™ 9.5 suite that addresses 23 user-submitted & WMG-generated software changes as well as the regulatory changes to NUREG/BR-0204 Revision 3. The major enhancements include updated Waste Manifests and Shipping Papers.

The new release also addresses the issues identified in the error notification dated March 2, 2021. This update corrects the error which reported child package activity totals on the Waste Manifest Form 541/541ain Curies (Ci) instead of millicurie (mCi). RADMAN™ 9.5.2 also corrects an error which prevented users from characterizing packages via Direct Sample when the sample used millicurie (mCi) as the activity unit.

The distribution of this release of RADMAN™ is in the form of a Disk Image in either .ISO or .ZIP format and can be downloaded from the WMG Software Users Area website.

As with recent RADMAN™ releases, a full installation package, including software and Q/A related documentation is available, as well as a V&V release which allows multiple versions of RADMAN™ to be installed on the same workstation. This V&V release does not include software documentation and is intended to be used for testing and validation of RADMAN™ releases.

No previous RADMAN™ versions are required prior to installing the software included with this release.

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