Decommissioning Services
For over 40 years, WMG has been delivering value to its clients through best practices and optimized waste dispositioning. We have extensive experience in the field of decontamination and decommissioning (D&D), dating back to the Shoreham project in 1992. Over the past four decades, we have provided support for the vast majority of D&D projects in various sectors including private, institutional, and government. We have also extended our expertise to international D&D projects and to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
WMG has handled a wide range of D&D project scopes. Conducting evaluations of radioactive waste characterization, packaging, storage, transportation, and disposal alternatives to providing one-of-a-kind engineered packages for the intact disposal of reactor pressure vessels with internals. We focus on understanding each customer's unique requirements and leverage our comprehensive knowledge of federal, state, local, and disposal site regulatory frameworks to deliver the lowest risk and most cost-effective solutions for compliantly packaging, transporting, and disposing of D&D wastes.
There is no substitute for accurate characterization of the radioactive waste that will be directly disposed of, stored prior to entering SAFSTOR, or generated during a D&D project. The feasibility of all planning, packaging, transport and disposal alternatives is based on characterization results. This need for accurate characterization is particularly true for the reactor pressure vessel and internals where errors due to faulty methodologies or inexperience can cost a client millions of dollars and months of time.

Waste Characterization
Accurate characterization of radioactive waste is essential for optimizing handling, packaging, transportation, storage, and disposal during a D&D project. This is especially true for the reactor pressure vessel and internals, as errors resulting from flawed approaches or lack of expertise could incur substantial cost and significant delays for the client.
WMG is widely recognized as an industry leader in Waste Characterization. We possess the expertise to precisely define location-specific characteristics, enabling us to develop cost-effective strategies for packaging waste for disposal or storage (GTCC waste).
Strategic Planning
Effective strategic planning is critical for the success of a D&D project, whether your plant is undergoing SAFSTOR or full decommissioning. At WMG, we have extensive experience and unparalleled technical expertise in waste characterization, packaging, and logistics. Our knowledge of the constantly evolving disposal and regulatory landscape enables us to provide our customers with customized plans that minimize their risk and costs for their specific decommissioning challenges.

Package Selection, Design, and Permitting
Only through detailed knowledge of the entire logistics path can an optimal package selection be made. Cost, ALARA, dimensional, weight, and regulatory constraints need to be evaluated as a whole to determine the best package configuration. Sometimes custom packaging provides the optimum alternative compared to additional segmentation to fit existing packages. Since each site and component is unique, a customized plan can reduce our client's schedule and costs.

Proven Experience and Capabilities
With WMG's extensive experience and demonstrated capabilities, our clients can be assured of receiving the most effective plans and package designs available. We conduct thorough assessments of all aspects of disposition, including waste characterization, packaging, and logistics, to develop a clear and well-defined disposition pathway for all waste streams.